The Importance of Planning for Home Fires - What to Plan & Prepare

As far as calamitous emergencies go there aren't many incidents as overwhelming as a fire that damages your home and personal possessions. A fire in your residence is a frightening and an emotionally draining event, whether it ruins everything or not. But there are certain measures you can implement to decrease the likelihood of a fire from occurring in your home. The fire damage repair team from Paul Davis knows the severe condition of house fires and that's why it's fundamental to know how to plan and prepare your house and what to do when a fire happens.

The Priority of Emergency Plans

When it comes to home fires, some of them aren't can be in control and can't be prevented. That is why the most essential thing you can do is have safety strategies ready. Smoke alarms and fire extinguishers are fundamental, and make sure you have the proper amount to accommodate your property. But you should think about using smoke alarms that can identify smoke from fires generated by electricity, because defective wiring is one of the main causes of house fires. If you have kids, you'll want to instruct them on how the smoke alarm sounds and what to do when one goes off. Other safety measures include outlining emergency routes in your home. Design a plan and ensure everybody in the house understands the emergency fire escape routes – there needs to be two exits for each room in the home. It's also fundamental to have a planned meeting spot outside so you know who gets out of the house and who is absent. Something else you should do is secure your valuable things like passports, photographs and birth certificates. You could make digital replicas and place them into a cloud drive for safe keeping, and you can get a strong box to keep the real copies safe too. Finally, make a record of all your personal belongings for insurance purposes in the event they're burned up by the flames.

What to Keep in Mind to Decrease Home Fire Dangers

Though some fires are out of your power, here are some safety measures you should implement to avoid a house fire:

  • Smoking: Outdoor smoking is the best way to avert a house fire from taking place. Don't smoke inside if someone in the home is on oxygen because oxygen is highly combustible. If you smoke inside, don't smoke while lethargic or in bed and have ashtrays that are deep.
  • Children: Store any lighters or matches in a place that is out of reach and out of sight from kids to prevent their curiosity from lighting a fire. Teach your kids that fire is not something to play with too.
  • Fireplaces: It's fundamental to clean regularly and examine your fireplace for damages and creosote. Use a fireplace screen that is durable and big enough to catch sparks and halt logs from rolling.
  • Portable Heaters: Establish that your space heater has a thermostat and a control mechanism, and it needs to turn off if it falls over.
  • Appliances and Electrical: Examine your light switches to see if they have to be replaced. If they're hot to the touch, that's a sign that they're defective. Also, check your appliances for worn out cords and damaged plugs.
  • Cooking: The kitchen is one of the more common places for a fire to happen. It's vital to be attentive to what's in the oven or on the stove, and if you have to step out, have somebody keep an eye on it until you return.

Contact the Experienced Fire Damage Restoration Contractors at Paul Davis

Home fires happen, whether it's a mishap or something completely out of your power, Paul Davis is here to lend a helping hand. Our fire damage restoration services can restore your house back to a good condition again. Call us at 888-473-7669 and a franchise near your area will be there to help.