Interior Mold Inspection and Removal Services

Mold can be found everywhere and, whether you can identify it or not, chances are your house has mold lurking just under the surface. Mold is something that occurs naturally, however the strain of mold that has spread in your home or property is the real issue. Mold spores can travel through the air and enter buildings through any opening, such as doors, windows and HVAC systems. Spores can also be brought into a location on shoes, clothing and animals. It can be practically impossible for you to eliminate mold entering your residence. You should be worried as mold is growing in your home. Having an expert to turn to who will advise on the strain of mold present is worth the expense. Add to that an expert that can orchestrate the optimal way to treat it and carry out the removal process, and you have Paul Davis. We provide professional home and commercial emergency restorative services for a variety of disasters, including mold.

Indoor Mold Remediation and Abatement Services

With a Paul Davis inspection of your commercial or residential property for mold, you have a licensed professional who has in depth experience in this field. Detecting and identifying mold is the first step in what can be an arduous process. When it comes to taking care of mold safely, your prime choice is to work with a company that specializes in all aspects pertaining to the process. We offer mold remediation and removal services in conjunction with basic mold testing. Mold causes damage to your dwelling as well as major health problems for your family. Unlike most allergens, mold will adversely affect the health of an individual whether they have allergies or not. Mold migrates through the surfaces it lives in, meaning the longer it remains without treatment in your residence, the worse its effects are. The experts with Paul Davis can accurately identify the strains of mold growing in your property and effectively deal with treating it.

Families of Mold

There are 3 basic strains of mold:

  • Allergenic: These produce and cause allergic reactions.
  • Pathogenic: Molds that cause health issues in individuals that suffer with acute illnesses.
  • Toxigenic: Any mold that can produce toxic microbes.
With the multitude of molds that can reside in any given property, having an expert to inspect and diagnosis the extent of their spread is crucial to removing it. An expert with Paul Davis will aid with getting your residence healthy and safe from the most dangerous molds. A few common molds are:

  • Penicillium - This mold most commonly thrives on wallpaper, wallpaper glue, decaying fabrics, carpets and fiberglass insulation. Penicillium will cause hay-fever type reactions and induces asthma attacks.
  • Aspergillus - This is a warm weather mold that thrives indoors and outdoors. Aspergillus can be found in areas of extreme dampness and extensive water damage, as well as decomposing organic matter. It is also found in dust and produces mycotoxins.
  • Alternaria - Alternaria is commonly located in carpet, textiles, dust, window frames, showers and soil. This is a large spore mold that takes traction in soft tissue, like the nose, mouth and respiratory tract.
  • Cladosporium - Cladosporium is the most commonly identified outdoor mold that enters homes. It thrives in overtly moist, porous environments such as textile and wood. Both the indoor and outdoor strains bring about asthma attacks along with inducing hay-fever like reactions.
  • Stachybotrys - This particularly insidious mold that produces airborne toxins at a high level, fortunately is the least common household mold. It requires excessive damp to thrive, and causes breathing issues, symptoms reminiscent of the flu, hearing and memory loss, and bleeding in the lungs.
  • Acremonium - This toxic mold thrives in areas of condensation such as humidifiers, drain pans, window sealants and cooling coils. It is a powdery mold that thrives in a variety of colors like grey, orange, pink and white.
  • Aureobasidium - This mold is most often discovered growing behind wallpaper and painted wood surfaces. It starts out light brown or pink in color but darkens to dark brown-black the older it is. This is a highly allergic responsive mold, responsible for skin rashes and eye infections.
  • Chaetomium - Chaetomium is found in houses after flooding or leaking and in chronically damp conditions. It carries a dank odor, cottony texture and changes colors from white to grey or brown as it ages. Chaetomium is known to produce mycotoxins that affect the immune system and cause skin and nail infections.
  • Cladosporium - This unique mold thrives in cold and warm environments and migrates rapidly on fabric, upholstery, under floorboards and in carpets. It reacts adversely with wet tissues in eyes, nose, mouth and throat.
  • Fusarium - This mold is most commonly located in soft goods and thrives and migrates in cold weather. A reddish strain is found in organic products like house plants, and both strains can move rapidly through a home. Symptoms begin as a sore throat, runny eyes and skin infections and can progress to bone infections and brain abscesses.
  • Trichoderma - This is a highly allergic mold with 5 subspecies. It's a rapidly growing mold with a wool like texture that is mostly white and green. It grows in moist and consistently damp locations like HVAC systems, wood and textiles. Along with health symptoms associated with other mycotoxins, this mold also destroys the surfaces it grows on, causing decay and structures to crumble.
  • Ulocladium - Ulocladium is mostly located in kitchens and bathrooms and is one of the black molds. It contributes to asthma and respiratory illnesses.

Speak With Paul Davis for Reliable Mold Inspection

When you might suspect or know there is mold in your home call the team with Paul Davis. Our expert team will provide a detailed inspection and execute the remediation servicing required to remove damaging mold from your property. Paul Davis is available 24-hours a day, 7-days a week.