Damage Storms Can Cause

Harm caused by severe weather can be devastating to your family home or business, and repairing it can be complicated. To get repairs done quickly and safely, you need a restoration service company that focuses on returning your structure back to its original condition. We have the experience and the dedication it takes.

Once the storm has passed, it's important to check out the impact and plan for remediation. Below, read more about the harm different storm systems can cause and how you can protect your property in different circumstances.

Insurance Coverage

Severe damage from the majority of storms is covered by insurance, but the specifics vary. Your financial responsibility depends on your premiums and deductibles, the structure, the amount of damage, property values in your neighborhood and much more.

Most storms are considered acts of God, and that means that your insurer can't single you out for rate increases. That said, not filing claims early can harm your chances of a fair payout, and your whole neighborhood can see rate increases following severe storms. Don't delay and always file claims as quickly as possible.

Dangerous storm damage, lead to mold problems and more.

  • Winter Storms: Heavy snow can cause roofs to fail, break branches and power poles, and more.
  • Hail Aftermath: Severe hail can bend and crack shingles and siding, causing hidden leaks and compounding damage.
  • Wind-related Property Damage: This can harm structures, destroy glass, wreak havoc on trees and electricity hookups and more.
  • Hurricane and Tornado Damage: Circular wind storms can cause serious damage to all parts of your property, including catastrophic damage to roofs, windows, siding and landscaping.
  • Water Damage: Water from floods can get into your building's foundation, ruin drywall, carpet and framing, lead to mold problems and more.

Seek Out a Trusted Contractor

Danger is high after a storm, and a professional restoration service company can help you get repairs done right. Reach out to us today.