Common Symptoms of Household Mold - Get a quote from our mold damage repair company

In nature, mold, mildew and fungus break down decaying organic material and enrich the surrounding soil, but can bring their share of problems if they bloom in your house. in your house. There are many species that can live in your home. Many of these molds love wet, low-lit regions in your house like inside walls or floors or hidden regions of your kitchen. Luckily, these types of mold are generally harmless, however sometimes a little spot may later become a large issue. Mold procreates with the use of spores freed into the air and causes problems when breathed in by people with mold allergies or asthma. Get a quote from a mold damage repair contractor. For a majority of people, common mold is innocuous and goes undetected. Unfortunately, it can hurt other, more allergy prone groups. Typically, the density of the of mold and severity of a person's allergies will effect their reaction. Sneezing, runny nose, red eyes and similar cold-like reactions are normally experienced with mold and mildew allergies, making it difficult to pinpoint correctly. More serious allergies may result in harsh reactions like difficulty breathing. Anyone with asthma should be especially careful near large populations of mold as it can cause asthma attacks. Other groups at risk include:
  • Babies and children
  • Those 65 and up
  • Those with a weak immune system
  • Those with severe lung disease

Home Treatments for Mold

Thankfully, you can take measures around your house to kill and avoid mold and mildew. Block mold from your house altogether by regularly wiping down your HVAC unit, weatherproofing and insulating outside areas. Mold flourishes in damp spots in your house, such as bathrooms or basements, so regularly sanitizing these areas can provide more help than you'd think. Mold loves muggy surroundings, so using a dehumidifier around your house will keep the area dry and make it too harsh for reproduction. Our team suggests seeking full service mold repair from Paul Davis Restoration. Getting help from a qualified team will restore your house to its natural state, so you can take preventative measures in the future. Hire an affordable mold damage repair contractor.

Affordable Mold Damage Repair Quotes

The contractors at Paul Davis have extensive training and certification to ensure that problematic particles and colonies of mold are eliminated quickly and according to standards. We offer affordable quotes for great residential and commercial mold removal service unlike any other in the area. The Paul Davis team performs affordable quotes for emergency mold repair services all day, every day and make it to your home only hours after your call. We're trained to use state-of-the-art tools that kills and sanitizes the region affected by mold. We send our capable contents cleaners and perimeter containment, in addition to deep cleaning and odor removal after we respond to your home. Paul Davis goes that extra mile to help your home and loved ones in the days after mold restoration, so we also work with your insurer during the claims process. If you think your house contains mold or has been damaged by mold, connect with the mold repair professionals with Paul Davis Restoration. Call us for an affordable quote today!