Household Mold & Common Symptoms - Get an affordable mold damage restoration contractor

Mold is important in nature, but can be a problem in your house. And just like in nature, there are many kinds that happily live in homes. A majority of these mildews, molds and fungi do well in damp, obscured places in your house such as inside walls or floors or spots in your laundry room. Thankfully, these types of mold are mostly harmless, however a tiny splotch may later turn into a big problem. Mold procreates using spores freed into the air and causes sickness when inhaled by those with mold allergies or respiratory issues. Hire an affordable mold damage restoration contractor. For most, household mildew or mold are harmless and go unnoticed. However, they can have an effect on other, more allergy prone demographics. These allergies are seen in a lot of people and strike on different occasions based on the concentration of mold. Sneezing, runny nose, red eyes and similar cold-like symptoms are normally seen with mold allergies, making it difficult to target the problem accurately. More serious allergies can cause harsh reactions such as shortness of breath. Those with asthma need to be particularly careful around high concentrations of mold as it may trigger asthma attacks. Additional groups at risk include:
  • Babies and toddlers
  • Those 65 and up
  • Immune compromised individuals
  • Those with serious pulmonary disease

How Can I Prevent Mold

Thankfully, you can take measures throughout your house to kill and avoid mold. Keep mold out of your house in the first place by periodically checking your HVAC unit, sealing and insulating openings to the outside. Mold grows in moist areas of your house, like kitchens or basements, so consistently cleaning these places can help more than you'd realize. Mold and mildew love muggy environments, so implementing dehumidifiers in your house will dry out the area and make it too harsh for growth. Our team suggests getting professional mold repair from Paul Davis Restoration. Getting help from a highly trained team will return your house to normal, making it easier for you to take preventative measures in the future. Get a quote from a mold damage restoration contractor.

Get Professional Mold Testing and Remediation

At Paul Davis, our contractors are trained and qualified to remove troublesome spores and mold quickly, safely and completely. Our team provides affordable quotes for great mold repair services for homes and businesses earning us a national reputation. The Paul Davis staff performs affordable quotes for 24/7 emergency response and make it to your home only hours after you contact us. The responders on the scene are equipped with advanced technology that destroys and cleans the region damaged by mold. We send our discreet contents cleaners and perimeter containment, as well as deep cleaning and deodorization after we remove the problem. Paul Davis works hard to serve your home and family after mold repair, so we also provide assistance with the insurance claims process. If you think your house contains mold or has been damaged by mold, contact the mold repair specialists at Paul Davis Restoration. Call Paul for an affordable quote today!