Is the Mold in your Home Causing Illness? - Get an affordable mold damage remediation company

In nature, mold breaks down decaying material and deposits nutrients into the soil around it, but can bring its share of issues when it starts growing in your home. There are a variety of kinds that survive easily in homes. Many of these mildews, molds and fungi thrive in damp, obscured places in your home like crawlspaces or spots in your laundry room. Luckily, this type of mold is generally innocent, however sometimes a tiny spot can grow to bigger proportions. When mold procreates, it frees spores into the air which can cause sickness when breathed in by people with mold sensitivities or respiratory issues. Hire an affordable mold damage restoration company. For most, common mildew or mold are nontoxic and go unnoticed. Unfortunately, they can affect other, more allergy prone demographics. These sensitivities are seen in many people and strike at different times based on the concentration of mold. If you are allergic to mold, you'll likely sneeze, have a runny nose, red eyes or skin irritation when you're near mold. The most serious reactions include short breath. Mold can be particularly triggering for asthma attacks too. Other groups at risk include:
  • Babies and toddlers
  • The elderly
  • Those with a weak immune system
  • Anyone with chronic pulmonary disease

Keeping Mold Out

The good news is there are methods you can follow around your home to remove and avoid mold. Keep mold out of your home completely by regularly cleaning your HVAC unit, sealing and insulating openings to the outside. Mold grows in damp areas of your home, such as kitchens or basements, so regularly sanitizing these regions helps more than you'd realize. Mold grows best in humid surroundings, so keeping a dehumidifier in your home will keep the area dry, making it unlivable for mold. We also suggest seeking professional mold restoration from Paul Davis Restoration. Getting assistance from a highly trained contractor will return your home to normal, making it easier for you to take preventative measures in the future. Get a quote from a mold damage restoration company.

Affordable Mold Damage Repair Quotes

At Paul Davis, our contractors have extensive training and certification to remove problematic spores and mold quickly and effectively. Our team provides affordable quotes for thorough residential and commercial mold removal service earning us a national reputation. The Paul Davis team offers affordable quotes for emergency response services all day, every day and arrive on the scene within hours of you contact us. We're equipped with state-of-the-art equipment that kills and sanitizes the area the mold touched. You also get capable contents cleaners and perimeter containment, in addition to deep cleaning and odor removal when we respond to your home. We want to go the extra mile to serve your home and family in the days after mold treatment, so we also provide assistance with the insurance claims process. If you believe your home has mold or has sustained mold damage, connect with the mold restoration professionals at Paul Davis Restoration. Call our team for an affordable quote today!