Sewage Backup Removal in Galahad, AB

When most folks think of emergencies, natural disasters and floods often come to mind. However, emergencies can come from your own residence. Sewer overflow is a common issue that can have dire consequences if untreated. Even if the liquid spilling out appears safe, stagnant water invites different kinds of pathogens. Rather than putting your health at risk, contact Paul Davis to handle it.

Paul Davis Experts

The gross factor isn't the main reason to avoid sewage. Big and small overflows can leak contaminated water into your home or even bleed pathogens into your usable water. Even usable water can carry pathogens in stagnant water. Raw sewage, for instance can host Hepatitis A, Leptospirosis and other hazardous diseases. If the seepage or overflow is starting from the toilet trap or farther, it might contain black water that has come in contact with raw waste. Black water usually holds or has come in contact with human refuse and remains stagnant enough to grow serious bacteria and viruses. Lake and river water might also be contaminated by black water. Call the Paul Davis specialists now if you have a black water spill on your property.

Don't Hesitate

Call Paul now if you come across a sewer leak. Our specialists are highly skilled in neutralizing dangerous substances. We help the Galahad area with fast emergency response for sewer backups, leaks and mold removal. The longer you wait to treat water or sewer damage, the worse the hazard will be. Call us today!