The Most Common Causes for Fires in Homes

House fires are scary, and they transpire more frequently than people might think. The National Fire Protection Association has reported that more than 300,000 houses in the United States suffer from fire damage in a year. Fire restoration contractors like Paul Davis have provided many fire restoration services because of these statistics. The possibility of a house fire shouldn't be ignored, and that's why it's great to understand what the most common causes of house fires are. To better prepare yourself, we've assembled a collection of the most common causes of house fires.

Getting Distracted in the Kitchen

Preparing meals in the house is one of the prime culprits to house fires, especially when no one is there to oversee the activities in the kitchen. Many homes have been in need of fire damage repairs because of food being left on the stove with no one to lookout after it. If it's necessary for you to exit the kitchen for any reason, make sure another person is there to monitor the cooking.

Electrical Current & Your Accessories

Anything that needs an electrical current in your home can be a fire hazard. Look over your appliances to see if any of the cords are broken, because that poses a great risk for fire. Another thing to keep in mind is your outlets. For your safety, check what you plug into them.

Neglected Candles

One of the more nice pieces to have around the home are candles. They are decorative and make your home aromatic, but they are also an extreme risk for fire. Keep your candles away from probable fire hazards such as magazines, newspapers and draperies, and always blow them out when you leave the room.

Cigarettes Indoors

When it comes to fire hazards, cigarettes are risky on account of they can fall to the ground and stay lit for a few hours. Exiting your home to smoke is an excellent approach to bypass an accident from happening.

A Property with Faulty Wiring

Any electrical issues in your residence, such as defective wiring, can expose your property to fire. This presents a problem because it's not in plain sight, but there are a few things you can watch out for to recognize any faulty wiring in your residence:

  • Your lights dim when another appliance is in use
  • You have to disconnect something in order for an appliance to work
  • Your circuit trips frequently

If this is the case for you, fix the issue and get an electrician or call your landlord.

BBQ Equipment

For most individuals, a grill is a part of their residence for the warmer months. Remember, it's necessary that your barbecue isn't near anything that can catch on fire from it. Cleaning your grill is also important because the buildup in it can put you at risk of fire. Examining your gas bottle routinely is another necessary step in securing your safety.


Fire is appealing for a child's curiosity, and that's why it's important to take preventative measures. Hide all matches and lighters in the house to keep your children secure. You can also educate them what to do in the circumstance of a fire and to memorize their address in case they need to call 911.

Placing Combustible Contents

Before storing your liquids, read the label to make sure the contents aren't a fire hazard, otherwise don't store them by a heat source.

Christmas Trees in the House

Every December, holiday joy is delivered to the home through Christmas trees along with a potential house fire. If you like having a live tree, it's necessary to cut off an inch from the trunk so the tree has the ability to soak up water. Watering your tree consistently and keeping it hydrated is also an important step. One more thing you should do is turn off your Christmas lights when you go to bed. You could favor purchasing an artificial tree to counter a fire hazard.

Dryers Not Being Maintained

Fires produced from dryers are rather prevalent, and that's why it's critical to keep them clean. To prevent your residence from needing fire clean up services, always clean out the lint trap before using it again, and inspect the dryer duct periodically because lint can get stuck in there often.

Fire Damage Prevention to Your Property

It's difficult to get rid of all potential risks for fire, but understanding the most frequent causes of house fires can eradicate your risk substantially. If you have experienced any fire damage to your home, don't hesitate to call a professional that provides fire clean up services, like Paul Davis. We are a fire clean up company that can get your home brought back to its previous state.