Drain Cleaning Services in Killam, AB

When most folks think of emergencies, natural disasters and floods may come to mind. But many emergencies can hit within your own home or business. If your home or business in Killam, AB forms sewage troubles, avoiding help for it can foster disease and disaster. Even if the liquid spilling out looks safe, standing water invites many kinds of diseases. Rather than risking your health, call Paul Davis to handle it.

Dangers of Sewage Backup

The nasty factor isn't the only reason to steer clear of sewage. Disease-ridden sewage water can flow into your potable water during big and small overflows. The same bacteria and viruses in sewage can develop in sanitary, but pooling water. For instance, Leptospirosis, E. Coli are just samples of the illnesses found in sewer water. If the leak or backup is starting from the toilet trap or farther, it may contain black water that has touched unprocessed sewage. Black water usually carries or has touched human refuse and remains stagnant enough to grow harmful pathogens. Natural water sources may also contain black water. Call the Paul Davis experts now if you experience a black water leakage on your property.

Killam, AB Sanitation Professionals

Talk to Paul now if you encounter a sewage leak. With years of experience, we know how to handle the poisonous chemicals in black and gray water correctly. Reach our Killam, AB branch with any questions you may have. The longer you wait to treat water or sewer damage, the worse the issue will become. Contact us today!