Is Living in a House with Mold Dangerous?

In the wild, mold deteriorates decaying organic material and deposits nutrients into the soil around it, but it can bring its share of major health problems if it grows in your home. Fortunately, most types of mold are typically harmless, but a small spot can spread throughout your home. Mold reproduces using spores that are released into the air and causes illness if breathed in by anyone with mold sensitivities or asthma. A few studies have also found a link between an early exposure to mold and the development of asthma in some younger children. Household mold or mildew is nontoxic for many folks, but can be harmful for more sensitive groups. Mold sensitivities are common for many of the population and hit on different occasions based on the amount of mold. Sneezing, coughing, runny nose, red eyes, wheezing, headaches and similar cold-like reactions are normally associated with mold and mildew allergies, making it difficult to target the problem correctly. The most severe reactions include difficulty breathing. Mold and mildew can be particularly triggering for asthma attacks too. Additional sensitive groups at risk include:
  • Infants and children
  • The elderly
  • Those with a weak immune system
  • People with severe lung disease

Mold in the House

Mildew and mold can grow bigger over time in damp places. A house can get a mold infestation through open doorways, open windows, vents and HVAC systems. Mold doesn't only invade a house through open windows and doors-- it can fasten onto your clothes, purses, pets and shoes and be transported your house. When the amount of mold in your house exceeds normal levels, it can have a huge impact on the physical well-being of your family, your possessions and the building itself. Mold commonly grows in moist places, but it can be found in unexpected places. These include:
  • Paper products
  • Ceiling tiles
  • Cardboard
  • Wood products
  • Paints
  • Insulation
  • Drywall
  • Upholstery

How Can I Prevent Mold in your House?

You can take preventative steps to in order to stop mold from growing in your home. Here's some steps you can take:
  • Build in ventilation in bathrooms, laundry rooms and kitchen
  • Monitor the humidity levels
  • If there's a flood, clean and dry your house meticulously
  • Mend leaky roofs, windows and pipes immediately
  • Talk to your local mold damage restoration specialists for affordable mold removal

Call Paul Davis Immediately for Mold Removal Services

Do you suspect that there's a mold infestation in your house that's too much for you to handle on your own? Contact the mold removal experts at Paul Davis. Call Paul! (403)342-4666 for affordable mold removal.