Fire Damage Repair Expert Guide - Planning for a House Fire

When it comes to hard circumstances, there are events as taxing than a fire that ruins your home and personal belongings. Being a fire damage restoration company, Paul Davis understands what a significant threat home fires are. Without indication, all it takes is a couple of minutes before flames are ignited. A fire in your home is a horrible and emotionally exhausting event, whether it damages everything or not. But you can do specified things to make sure that you are ready for when a fire happens.

Form and Practice an Emergency Strategy

When it comes to home fires, not all of them are in your control and can't be stopped. That is why the most important thing for you to do is have safety strategies in place. Fire extinguishers and smoke alarms are fundamental, and always check that you have the proper amount to suit your residence. But you should consider using smoke alarms that can identify smoke from electrical fires, since damaged wiring can be a cause of home fires. If there are kids in the home, you'll want to train them on what the smoke alarm sounds like and what to do when in the situation where one goes off. Implement plans for emergency fire routes and ensure everyone knows about them. Always have two exits out of all rooms in the property. You'll also want to have a designated meeting location outside of the property so that you're sure everyone makes it out securely. Taking inventory of your personal belongings is an excellent idea for insurance purposes in case all your property is damaged by the flames. You'll also want to preserve important things such as passports and birth certificates in a strong box, and you can create digital replicas and upload them to a cloud drive for back ups.

What to Think about to Lessen House Fire Hazards

Here are a few things to be aware of so you can decrease the hazards and perils that are correlated with home fires:

  • Smoking: Inside smoking makes your property exposed to home fires, so the best way to avoid a disaster is to smoke outside. If you do smoke inside, make sure you have proper ashtrays to restrain a cigar or cigarette from falling onto the ground. But if someone in the home is on oxygen, do not smoke inside as oxygen is extremely combustible.
  • Children: Children are curious and fire is alluring to them, so teach your kids that fire isn't a toy. In addition, store your lighters and matches in a secure spot that is out of sight and out of reach.
  • Fireplaces: It's crucial to clean regularly and inspect your fireplace and chimney for damages and creosote. Get a screen for your fireplace that is durable and large enough to catch sparks and halt logs from rolling.
  • Portable Heaters: Not under any circumstance should you allow a space heater unattended, and keep flammable or combustible objects three feet away from it. It's also necessary for your heater to contain the right features for safety. For example, the heater turns off when it tips over.
  • Appliances and Electrical: Shredded cords and broken plugs could easily form a home fire, so be sure to check your appliances regularly for any problems. Additionally, keep an eye on the switches for your lights since if they're hot, they have to be replaced.
  • Cooking: Always stay in the area during the time food is on the stove or in the oven and never leave it unattended. If you have to step out of the area, get someone to keep an eye on the food until you come back.

Call the Experienced Fire Damage Restoration Experts from Paul Davis

If you have a home fire, don't hesitate to reach out to Paul Davis. Our professional team has the skills you need with fire damage repair services and we'll have your house back to a livable condition. Contact us at 888-473-7669 and a local franchise near your location will be prepared to help out.