Fire Damage Remediation - The Most Common Factor of House Fires

Fire damage occurs to houses quite often, and they can be a frightening thing to deal with. More than 300,000 homes across the United States, according to the National Fire Protection Association, encounter fire damage annually. Along with these statistics, businesses like Paul Davis have given fire damage cleaning services for many properties. It's good to know the most common ways a house fire is caused, because any probability for fire shouldn't be disregarded. For your preparation, we've compiled a selection of the most common causes of house fires.

Being Distracted from Cooking

Preparing meals in the home is one of the main culprits to house fires, especially when no one is there to watch the kitchen. Many fire damage repairs have been needed because of neglected activities in the kitchen. If you need to leave the kitchen for any reason, make sure another person is there to monitor the cooking.

Electrical Current & Your Devices

Anything that uses an electrical current in your home can be a fire risk. If any of your electrical equipment has a worn out cord, then they are a fire hazard. Regularly double-check that your electrical outlets are not crowded.


Candles are pleasant items to keep around the home. They look great and make your house smell nice, but they are also an extreme fire hazard. Make sure to extinguish your candles before departing the room, and place them in an area where they won't fall over or ignite other things around them.

Smoking Indoors

Cigarettes have been a fire hazard for decades, because they can keep burning for a few hours, and if they come into contact with anything flammable, you can have a major problem on your hands. Departing from your residence to smoke is an excellent way to bypass this risk.

A Residence with Damaged Wiring

Residences with faulty wiring generate electrical issues which can lead to a house fire. This poses a problem because it's not in plain sight, but there are a few things you can watch out for to identify any faulty wiring in your house:

  • Your lights dim when another appliance is in use
  • You have to disconnect something in order for an appliance to work
  • Your circuit trips frequently

If you recognize any of these things, call an experienced electrician or contact your landlord to resolve the issue.

Barbecues & Grills

For most individuals, a grill is a part of their home for the summer. Yet, make sure it's not in proximity to your home or any plants and trees. Cleaning your grill is also important because the buildup in it can put you at risk of fire. Examining your gas bottle on a regular basis is another vital step in establishing your safety.


Children are normally curious, and fire can be appealing to them. Hide all matches and lighters in the house to protect the safety of your children. Take added care and make sure your kids know how to clear the area and that they know their address if they need to call 911.

Combustible Liquids

When you're storing your liquids, always read the label to make sure the contents aren't a fire hazard, otherwise don't keep them by a heat source.

Christmas Tree

Every December, holiday cheer is provided to the home through Christmas trees along with a potential house fire. Cutting an inch from the trunk will allow your tree to absorb water, and it's necessary to do this before you set it up. You should also be diligent about watering your tree and keeping it hydrated. Another task you should complete is turning off your Christmas lights when you go to bed. Additionally, you could procure an artificial tree to refrain from the fire hazard altogether.

Clothing Dryers

Fires caused from dryers are quite prevalent, and that's why it's important to keep them clean. To prevent your house from needing fire remediation services, always clean out the lint trap before using it again, and check the dryer duct consistently because lint can get stuck in there as well.


It's difficult to get rid of all potential risks for fire, but knowing the most typical causes of house fires can eliminate your risk significantly. If you have encountered any fire damage to your home, don't wait to call an expert that offers fire remediation services, like Paul Davis. We are a fire clean up company that can get your home recovered back to where it was before.