Repairing Mold and Mildew Damage in Rowley, AB

If most people think of hazards, natural disasters and floods often be common scenarios. However, other dangers can come from your own residence. Sewer backup is a common issue that can have dire consequences if ignored. Even if the water spilling out appears safe, standing water invites different types of pathogens. Instead of putting your health at risk, call Paul Davis to handle it.

Expert Backup Removal

The nasty factor is not the main reason to steer clear of sewer water. Sewage problems of any size can leak contaminated water onto your property or even feed pathogens into your usable water. Even drinkable water sources can bring pathogens in standing water. Raw sewer water, for instance can carry Hepatitis A, Leptospirosis and other harmful diseases. If the seepage or backup is starting from the toilet trap or farther, it may contain black water that has come in contact with unprocessed waste. Usually black water has stayed stagnant for a long enough time to encourage bacterial and viral growth. Black water may also be found in natural water sources. If you find a black water flood at your residence or business, call the Paul Davis professionals promptly.

Your Sewer Cleaning Company

If you ever encounter a sewer backup in your home, call Paul Davis. With all our training, we understand the best ways to handle the hazardous substances in black and gray water safely. We help the Rowley, AB region with quick responding help for sewer backups, leaks and mold removal. The longer you hesitate to remove water or sewer damage, the worse the hazard will be. Contact us today!

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