Archives & Film Restoration for Springbrook, AB

Homes and businesses across Springbrook, AB are prone to fires, floods and other disasters. Under these circumstances, records are often ignored in the process of restoration. Many goods can be replaced, but archives such as family records or contracts are a real loss. Paul Davis Restoration has helped clients throughout the Springbrook area salvage their valuable archives. With decades working in in paper recovery processes, Paul Davis Red Deer will help restore these family documents after a disasters like fires and floods.

Services from Paul Davis Red Deer

Paul Davis Restoration is a pioneer in document restoration after fires, floods and other disasters. We use advanced equipment from our restoration center to renew your records and photos after damage from a disaster. Some of our more common restoration projects include:
  • Files, Catalogs, Manuscripts
  • Archives, Special Collections
  • Audio and Video Tapes
  • Data Files, Vital Records
  • X-rays
  • Film, Negatives, Photographs, Slides

How We Treat Documents & Photos

Paul Davis experts know that there are different treatments for different kinds of damage. Depending on the amount of damage, we have various ways to fix your photos and documents such as thermal vacuum-freeze dryers. These methods normally restore your items almost completely. For fire-damaged photos or documents, Paul Davis Red Deer initiates sanitation methods such as particulate removal sponges and ionized air washing. Additionally, we will correct alignment and framing issues for hanging photos. Re-matting and re-framing services are only a part of what we do to help. We also include re-jacketing, de-acidification, document copying and imaging.

Learn more about Paul Davis Restoration for Document & Photo Recovery

Your photos and documents are precious to you. When disaster hits, it can be hard to decide what needs to be saved and what can be let go. With Paul Davis' assistance, you can rest assured that your photos and documents will be sanitized, organized and restored. Find out more about this and Paul Davis services through phone or email.