A Homeowners Approach to Protecting a House from a Hurricane

Structural loss, water damage and flooding are the common scenarios after a hurricane hits. Yet, there are some essential methods you can take in order to avoid these incidents and any major storm damage restorations. It's crucial to do what you can to defend your home from a hurricane and to keep your loved ones and your neighbors safe. Below is a list of methods to keep in mind while prepping your home against the elements.

Things to Keep in Mind When a Hurricane Is En Route

  • Garage Door – In fact, your garage is actually one of the more susceptible spots when it comes to extreme storms such as hurricanes. The logic behind it: most garage doors are not supported and heavy winds can get into the garage. When this happens, a positive push generates inside the garage, and as the winds are swirling above your structure, this causes a negative pull. With the push-pull combo, this can put a lot of pressure on your roof and ultimately it could rip it off your garage. To prevent this from happening, the best resolution is to purchase a kit that supports your garage door. But if time isn't on your side to install a kit, then you can use your car to brace your garage door.
  • Windows and Doors – Doors and windows are another access-point for a hurricane to cause disruption. Busted windows will allow wind and rain to move through your property, and this can lead to water damage issues. When a hurricane is on the way, make sure you lock your windows. If you have storm shutters, ensure they are in good condition and locked, but if you don't have storm shutters, you can board up your windows to keep potential destruction out of your house. Additionally, remember that placing masking tape on your windows doesn't do anything to secure them. As for your doors, use the deadbolts or any other locking mechanisms to confirm they don't fly open during heavy winds.
  • Roof – Administering a quick examination of your roof before a hurricane comes to your area can save you from a lot of property damage. One of the main things you'll want to check for is loose shingles and use some roofing cement to fix them. Afterward, look for any threatening gaps where any wiring is coming into your house and seal them off. This can stop water from coming into your home. You might want to consider getting hurricane straps to ensure your roof is fastened too. Another thing to do is clean out your gutters so there's appropriate irrigation for the heavy rains.
  • Your Property – Your lawn can be a number one hazard when a hurricane comes through. Items that aren't weighed down or fastened to the ground could be lifted from the extreme wind and be propelled into your house and your neighbor's too. Make sure to relocate any BBQs, garden accessories, children's toys and patio furniture to a place safe from the storm. Another thing you'll want to do is cut back any dangling or dead branches from your trees and shrubs.
  • Car – When you're concerned about protecting your residence from a hurricane, it's understandable that you forget about your automobile. Ensure that you have a full tank of gas, that your tires have good tread, the windows are sealed and that your windshield wipers are good. If you have to park on the street, you'll want to make sure that you're not parked under trees or in an area that is vulnerable to floods.

Get Storm Damage Restoration Services for Your Property with Paul Davis

In spite of all the preventative measures you take in protecting your home, there is only so much you can do. If your house experiences damage produced by a hurricane, reach out to the experts at Paul Davis. We can bring back your property to normal with our storm damage repair and remediation services. We also work with various insurance agencies and we can offer guidance and help you verify if your damage is covered. Contact us today at (403)342-4666 to find a franchise near you.