Sewage Backup Removal in Wimborne, AB

Severe weather and floods typically pop into mind when most people think about hazards. But many dangers can start within your own house. If your residence or commercial property in Wimborne has sewage problems, neglecting it can foster disease and disaster. Even if the liquid spilling out is safe, stagnant water attracts different kinds of diseases. Instead of putting your health at risk, contact Paul Davis to handle it.

Dangers of Sewer Water

The nasty factor is not the only reason to avoid sewer backup. Big and small overflows can leak contaminated water onto your property or even bleed pathogens into your usable water. Even drinkable water can foster pathogens in stagnant water. Raw sewage, for example can host Hepatitis A, Leptospirosis and many more harmful pathogens. Black water comes from past the toilet trap and typically carries or has come in contact with human waste. Black water typically holds or has come in contact with human waste and remains stagnant enough to host serious pathogens. Black water can also be found in natural water sources. Call the Paul Davis experts immediately if you experience a black water leakage in your home or business.

Call Paul

If you ever experience a sewage leak in your home, contact Paul Davis. Our specialists are highly trained in handling hazardous chemicals. Talk to our branch in Wimborne with any questions you may have. The longer you hesitate to remove water or sewer damage, the more intense the hazard will be. Contact us today!