Responding to Water Damage

Flood damage at home can stem from a range of sources. Wherever it comes from, it can result in serious problems for the foundation and stability indoors. Wooden surfaces and drywall are particularly vulnerable to fungal invasion if neglected after water damage. If your home experiences water damage, contact the professionals from Paul Davis.

Before The Paul Davis Come to Your House

It can be tempting to try and fix the flooding yourself. That said, it's best to leave the job up to the pro. However, there are some ways to clean before the Paul Davis crew arrives. From the floors, walls, ceiling, and your prized things, it's important to work quickly to postpone water damage in your home. Before working, it is necessary to verify your property is safe to enter. The hazardous combination of water and electricity makes a dampened home a risky place to work in. Power off the main breaker before entering your home. Even if they look undamaged, home appliances can deliver a powerful shock when touched by water.

First Things First

Water is a persistent substance that can seep into every nook and cranny in your property. To keep water damage from destroying small items, move them them first. Paper and inked things like books need a stable, dry area. This also includes small tabletop things, such as lamps and collectibles. Once you've removed small items, books and other dampened materials, the cleaning can begin. To start the drying process, try using air movers or air conditioning throughout your home to circulate air throughout the area. Leave the larger spills for the specialists, but you can wipe and mop surface spots. Though you may want to try, never use a regular home vacuum cleaner to remove water. Incorrect use of these appliances can be harmful to you and break the vacuum. To avoid further water damage, use wooden or cement blocks to lift heavy chairs off the floor. Water adds weight to surfaces, carpets, and fabrics. This extra weight makes rugs, leather goods and fur difficult to move. If you need to remove a rug, proceed carefully. Hang clothing, draperies and other fabrics away from the flooded area to dry properly. Keep in mind that water damage can affect these items permanently, so you might not be able to save them. In serious flooding events, the extra water weight can affect the foundation of your home. Ceilings and floors will bend when they take on water weight, be sure to avoid these areas.

Why Call Paul?

Specialists from Paul Davis know water damage. But with a some help from homeowners, the water damage will be treated more quickly. We work hard to return your home back to normal efficiently and quickly. Our pros are knowledgeable and have worked with severe, moderate and small amounts of water damage in a range of home and business spaces. Additionally, Paul Davis works with your insurance company to settle your claims promptly, so you can get life back to normal.